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Advisor Intent Trends

July 2022

Discovery Data Advisor Intent Indices are the leading measure of financial advisor buying intent, tracking changes in advisor interest on specific industry topics over time.

July was a very interesting month for advisor intent. On the one hand, the relative share of mind spent on different asset classes did not move a great deal; yet in other ways everything changed. Despite spending a similar amount of time on each asset class, advisors' perspective on them moved significantly, with outlooks getting much brighter alongside a resurgent market and better economic and corporate data. Equities did see an increase in activity, mostly due to elevated interest in better-than-expected earnings data.

About Advisor Intent Indices
Advisor Intent Indices empower product distributors, recruiters, marketers, and data scientists with highly accurate first-party information on industry-level and advisor-level intent in near real-time. Co-developed by Discovery Data and AdvisorTarget, Advisor Intent Indices use a scoring model to compare advisors’ overall engagement with financial news to individual engagement, providing month-to-month trends for gauging changes in advisor interest. With a range from 0 (no interest) to 200 (overwhelming interest), the score indicates the level of interest on each topic the indices track.

Discovery Data’s website publicly tracks four Advisor Intent Indices on Practice Management, Commodities, Equities, and Bonds, and reports a monthly news summary on the changes. Clients can subscribe to Discovery Data’s Intent Trends to access Advisor Intent Indices on over 40 topics and subcategories. Custom topics are available upon request, and pre-qualified leads within each index can be delivered through Discovery Data’s Intent Signals.

Contact us to learn how Discovery Data can empower your teams with financial advisor intent data.